Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Diabetes Mellitus A Group Of Metabolic Diseases That...

Diabetes mellitus refers to a group of metabolic diseases that affect how your body uses blood glucose. Glucose is important to health because it is the source of energy for the cells that make up muscles and tissues. It is also the brain s main source of fuel. The disease is characterized by hyperglycemia that results from defects in insulin secretion, insulin action or both. It is estimated that 8.3% of the United States population have diabetes and another 7 million are undiagnosed (Huether and McCance, 2012). A diabetes diagnosis is based on Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels /= 6.5%, Fasting Plasma Glucose (FPG) levels /= 126 mg/dl, 2-hour plasma glucose levels during Oral Glucose Tolerance Testing (OGTT) /= 200 mg/dl,†¦show more content†¦Effective management of diabetes requires that a meal plan, education and counseling programs be individualized for each client. A nurse, dietician, family, as well as the client must work together on all aspects of meal planning. Diet therapy involves keeping blood glucose and HbA1c, serum lipid levels, and blood pressure as near normal as possible. These factors will help prevent complications of diabetes, which include renal disease, neuropathy, and cardiovascular disease (Huether and McCance, 2012). . Diabetic clients must follow a day-to-day consistency in the timing and amount of food eaten to help control blood glucose. Clients receiving insulin therapy must eat at a consistent time that coordinates with the timed action of insulin. The daily caloric intake is spread among three main meals and any between-meal or bedtime snack. 15% to 20% of daily caloric intake must consist of protein. Of the remaining 80% to 90% of calories, less than 10% should be from saturated fat and up to 10% should be from polyunsaturated fat. The remaining 60% to70% should come from monounsaturated fat and carbohydrates. High fiber diets are recommended to improve carbohydrate metabolism and lower cholesterol levels. Intake of 20 to 35 g of dietary per day isShow MoreRelatedDiabetes Mellitus : An Autoimmune Disease1261 Words   |  6 PagesDiabetes or as doctors would refer by as diabetes mellitus, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has a high blood glucose level above 110 mg/dL because insulin production is inadequate, the body’s cells do not respond properly to insulin or even both. Diabetes mellitus is also a contributing factor of development of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, renal failure, blindness, and stroke as individuals’ age. There are 3 different types of diabetes mellitus, type 1diabetes mellitusRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus : An Autoimmune Disease1238 Words   |  5 Pages Diabetes or as doctors would refer by as diabetes mellitus, is a group of metabolic diseases in which a person has a high blood glucose level (above 110 mg/dL) because insulin production is inadequate, the body’s cells do not respond properly to insulin or even both. Diabetes mellitus is also a contributing factor of development of cardiovascular disease, hypertension, renal failure, blindness, and stroke as individuals’ age. There are 3 different types of diabetes mellitus, type 1diabetes mellitusRead More Diabetes Mellitus Essay1538 Words   |  7 Pages Diabetes Mellitus is a chronic condition which afflicts millions of people around the world. It is related to the insulin hormone, which is secreted by cells in the pancreas, regulates the level of glucose in the bloodstream and supports the body with breaking down the glucose to be used as energy. In someone who has diabetes, the body doesn’t produce enough insulin or cells don’t respond to the insulin that is produced. There are three main types of diabetes, type 1, type 2, and gestationalRead MoreTypes And Types Of Diabetes927 Words   |  4 Pagesmetabolism. Glucose needs insulin in order to enter or bodies cells so we can have energy. If there is no insulin the body does not make enough insulin glucose cannot get into our cells to make energy Our blood carries the glucose to all parts of our bodies for us to use as en ergy. â€Å"Type one and Type two diabetes mellitus are two separate and distinct pathophysiological entities.† Lippincott, 2010 page 286 .There are two main types of Diabetes. The third type is gestational diabetes. The firstRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus ( Dm )1258 Words   |  6 PagesDIABETES Diabetes mellitus (DM), referred to as diabetes is a group of metabolic diseases in which there are high blood sugar levels over a prolonged period. Symptoms of high blood sugar include frequent urination, increased thirst, and increased hunger. If left untreated, diabetes can cause many complications. Diabetes is due to either the pancreas not producing enough insulin or the cells of the body not responding properly to the insulin produced. There are three main types of diabetes mellitusRead MoreDiabetes Mellitus Is Not A Single Disease1047 Words   |  5 Pagesinform you, but yes, you do have Diabetes Type 2.† In 2012, 29.1 million Americans, or 9.3% of the population, had diabetes. Of the 29.1 million, 21.0 million were diagnosed, and 8.1 million were undiagnosed. In 1996 diabetes contributed to more than 162,000 deaths(Lewis 1367). According to, well known, diabetes researcher McCance Diabetes mellitus is not a single disease but a group of disorders with glucose intolerance in common (674). Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemiaRead MoreLifelong Changes Necessary for Diabetes Mellitus1751 Words   |  7 PagesDiabetes Mellitus is a common chronic disease requiring lifelong behavioral and lifestyle changes. It’s a metabolic disorder characterized by hyperglycemia resulting from lack of insulin, of insulin resistance, or both. It is a major public health problem worldwide and also a leading cause of new cases of blindness, end stage kidney disease, and foot or leg amputation. 3 General classifications of Diabetes Mellitus are: type 1 and type and Gestational. 1. Identify and compare risk factors forRead MoreDiabetes Type One As A Worldwide Disease1414 Words   |  6 PagesDiabetes type one is classified as a worldwide disease that occurs at any age. Most often, diabetes type one usually develop at the beginning of adolescence. The American Diabetes Association explains the important relationship between insulin relating to diabetes type one in an individuals. Diabetes typically happens when the body has trouble producing insulin. â€Å"Insulin is a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy that is needed for daily life. 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It is also stated in the American Diabetes Association that 8.1 million of the 29.1 million were undiagnosed. A statistics from the CDC shows that 1 out of 4 people do not know they have diabetes supporting the American Diabetes

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